Saturday, June 18, 2016

Oh Baby, Baby!

Since my last entry, a great deal has happened in our country and I am sure most bloggers/writers put in their two-cents-worth on each of those topics.  I, on the other hand, reserve my blog writings to be completely personal so that I can appease my narcissistic side.  So, there will be no talk of gorillas, Orlando, or alligators.  I take that back; there is one thing I will say:  Shit happens; bad shit, to good, decent people and none of us are immune to it.  Resolution to issues will never come about by submitting inappropriate comments from arm-chair-quarterbacks sitting behind a computer screen whom believe they are perfection wrapped in a pretty bow.  Wake up people; our country has gone to hell and all the Twitter and Facebook posts in the world will not change that.

So, back to the more important subject; me.  As of today, the most prevalent topic on my mind is my very pregnant daughter whom is about to give birth to my fourth grandchild.  

   I had been with her for a week, expecting it to happen at any given moment, but this child is holding out; content to stay nice and snug where he or she is.  My daughter and her husband decided to let this baby be a surprise.  They did not find out the gender as they want that "television moment" where the doctor announces "it's a boy" or "it's a girl".  I have to agree; it is quite exciting to finally get to meet this child with all the months of not knowing who it is we will be meeting.  My daughter and husband have names picked out but are not sharing those with us until the arrival.  This only makes me nervous for the fact that I hope it is a name that doesn't take time to get used to.  "Meet your granddaughter, 'Flower Pedal'" or "Meet your grandson Armadillo Blake".  I would have to fake a smile and quickly come up with a nic-name suitable for the child.  I have faith they wouldn't give their child a names like that, but in the age of "North West", you never know.

My first ex-husband is in town for Father's Day.  I have not throat punched, cussed (to his face anyways) or shown my ass...yet.  

 After several years of complete silence, I was finally able to re-connect with one of my most favorite people in the world.  My persistence paid off and we have picked up right where we left off. This is somebody I truly care about and love and over the past few years, I have felt like something was missing.  I feel like that something is no longer missing.  It is very nice to have that person whom will listen to my rants, without judgement, and then return a comment that makes me laugh out loud.  We all need "that somebody" and I am so very happy to have my somebody back.

Short and sweet this blog; daughter is calling and needing her mother.  I'm getting her up walking or, at least, putting her on the trampoline and seeing if gravity will work.

Love to all